Miller Aircraft Company “Zeta”


Not a Gee Bee aircraft, this 1937 Menasco powered two seater was funded by the contributions of twenty Springfield pilots in an unsuccessful effort to keep aircraft manufacturing alive at the airport there.  The Zeta is displayed at the Springfield Museum of Science in Springfield Massachusetts.

Gee Bee “Ascender"

Assembled at the Springfield Massachusetts Airport in 1930 from the remains of a wrecked Aeronca C-2.  The 28 hp aircraft was of “canard” configuration and it was built by the Granville Brothers to investigate tail-first flight.  Ascender was notable as a rare example of the type produced in America during aviation’s Golden Age, 1927-1939.

Granville, Miller & deLackner Q.E.D.

The last Gee Bee racer.  Built at Springfield (MA) Airport for famed aviatrix Jacqueline Cochran to enter the 1934 London to Melbourne MacRobertson Air Race.  Because Ms. Cochran had been named Lucky Strike Girl of 1933, the ship was painted Lucky Strike Green with gold trim.  675 hp Pratt & Whitney Hornet powered.


This high quality 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 inch notecard is printed on folded 20# textured ivory paper stock with original Tom Nallen sketch art on the front of the card and a brief aircraft history and specifications on the back.
The inside card is left blank for your written note or enclosures.

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