I’m excited to let you know about our new site www.thegeebee.com . Tom1 and I talked about doing this for a number of years, but with work & kids it never happened. Now it has.
I’d like to do my part to help keep the Granville and Gee Bee story alive. I’ve talked with June Granville (Dakin) and she’s fully supportive. We’d like to tie in aeromodeling/scale modeling as a rewarding activity that can make aviation history come alive. We’ll use thegeebee.com as a platform to release the many model airplane plans we’ve drawn over the last 50yrs or so. Many of these are large-format and not suitable for newsletter publication…and we all know what’s happened to the model mags that used to run our sort of stuff. We’ll see what happens.
Oh, and through an agreement with Jim Fiorello, Golden Age Reproductions Plans are being made available through The Gee Bee.com as well. These are the original, high-quality Joe Fitzgibbon offset prints, not copies. We’ll start with ~30 plans with another 200 or so to come over time if there is interest.
There are no illusions of profit-making, but stuff on The Gee Bee.com is not free either. This may wind up as a non-profit org and we have some ideas there, but first things first.
Anyway, check out the site and I hope you sign up for the free bi-monthly Around The Pylon newsletter – we’ve lost some of these lately too. Around The Pylon will be brief and online-only. We plan to share interesting bits from the Len Wieczorek, Bert Pond and other collections as well as new plan releases, freebie downloads and FF modeling stuff. Subscribers get 20% discounts. Contributors to the newsletter are welcome so let me know if you or someone you know is interested.
Please help spread the word by sharing this Announcement.
Hopefully society will reopen soon and we can return to our lives.
Thanks and see you on the flightline,
Tom Nallen2
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Tom & Bob Hall, Gee Bee Z designer